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Antigua and Barbuda Jurisdiction profile

Address: Financial Services Regulatory Commission
Division of Gaming
2nd Floor - West Wing
First Caribbean Financial Centre
Old Parham Road
P.O. Box 588
St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
West Indies



Phone: (268) 481 3300

Fax: (268) 481 3305

Antigua and Barbuda description

Antigua and Barbuda hold a special place in the online gambling industry being one of the first jurisdictions to so in 1994. Today Antigua and Barbuda license over 150 different online casinos.

Internet gaming / online casino companies in Antigua and Barbuda are considered and classified as 'Financial Insitutions' and thus must operate accordingly under the Anti-Money Laudering and Caribbean Financial Action Task Force rules.

Financial Institutions in Antigua and Barbuda are regulated by the FSRC (Financial Services Regulatory Authority) through which The Division of Gaming portion of the FSRC controls all levels of offshore gambling industry in the country.

Through these agencies and regulations both players and operators alike enjoy the comfort of being able to operate their businesses uninteruppted and in a regulated environment. Some of the major attractions for internet gaming companies are:

  • Low tax rates
  • Casino software / development expenses are deductible
  • Bad credit cards (chargebacks) are deductible
  • $50,000 per month cap on taxes
  • Top of the line telecommunication services are provided (cable / wireless internet) at competitive rates.

Online casinos in the jurisdiction of Antigua and Barbuda


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