French Rouletteby World Match, LTD

World Match makes French Roulette easy and accessible to players of any experience. Simply hover over or click any place on the race track or table to see the payouts and chip layout. Access the “Extra” tab, lower left, for easy placement of popular betting patterns – or program your favorite bets for easy access.
The minimum bet for this standard version of French Roulette is 0.10€ and the maximum bet is 70.00€. For those who prefer higher limits the game is available in a Pro version as well as Privee.
Well experienced players know full well that each spin is independent of the last, and past results have no bearing on future outcomes, so a fun feature some may wish to access is the Hot or Cold function in the Bets tab under “Extra” in the lower left. Streak gamers are especially drawn to this feature.
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