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American Roulette

The difference between American Roulette and European Roulette:

American roulette

There are several features of American Roulette that make it stand out from its European counterpart. American Roulette has the additional zero by employing the use of the “double zero” (00). The double zero was added to American Roulette wheels when roulette was brought from Europe to America in order to increase the house odds. By adding the double zero to American Roulette wheels, the odds were raised in the favor of the house from 2.7% to 5.3% -- this is why most serious gamblers will seek out the European version instead of the American Roulette game.

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Free version of American Roulette

However, if you wish to play American Roulette for free, we have a free version on our site. Click here to play American Roulette for free. The copy of American Roulette you can play for free here is from Realtime Gaming. Much thanks to Bodog for providing the game for us.

One Denomination of Chips

American Roulette uses one denomination of chips for roulette bets, making the task of calculating and paying winners easier for the croupier. The denomination of the Roulette game is usually marked at the Roulette table. In American Roulette, the croupier collects chips and pays winners by hand as opposed to using the rake, as is the case in the other roulette. American Roulette chips are collected in this way because the American Roulette table is generally smaller.

More Info

For more information on how and where to play American Roulette, you can check out the Roulette Information section of this site.