European Rouletteby Proprietary

There is only one zero in European Roulette which means there are 37 possible stops on the wheel; one of 36 red or black numbers or a single green zero. This is a significant advantage to players compared to American Roulette with two zeros. The smart money is always on the Euro table.
Betting is easy on the 3Dice European Roulette game. Your chips can each cover 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 or 18 numbers at a time with returns running from 1 to 1 for the 18 number odd/even, red/black bets to 35 to 1 for a straight up bet on a single number. Players can mix any configuration they like within table limits. The software will automatically reject a bet that is too large by asking if you would like to place a reduced amount up to the limit for that spot.
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