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FUNToken Online Casinos

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Cryptocurrencies have taken over the world, that’s for sure, and one that’s especially important for online casino players is FUN Token. This is a coin that has been crafted specifically with the online gambler in mind, to be used across the gaming community. Gamers and gamblers were among the first to embrace crypto and use it for payments, so naturally, someone decided to create a coin that would serve these players best. Most, if not all, of the casinos that offer cryptocurrencies as payment methods offer this coin, so you can rest assured that you’ll be able to play using it across many sites. But let’s learn more about it first. What is FUN Token and why use it as your online casino payment method?

About FUN Token

Designed and launched by a private, innovative company FunFair Technologies, FUN Token is an innovative native coin. It was created by two iGaming experts, Oliver Hopton and Jeremy Longley, and the investor of the project, Jez San OBE, an entrepreneur who was interested in the idea behind it. These three are the ones that wanted to create a truly fair, above all fun, decentralized token, powered by blockchain technology and suited to be used in an online gambling environment. The blockchain group FunFair Technologies was launched in 2017, and with it, its native token.

The company is headquartered in Singapore, however, it has offices in Dublin and London, so it is all over the world. The creators chose Ethereum’s blockchain as the medium for their token, which eliminates any possible vulnerabilities, and it is a secure network that does not use traditional servers. If you’ve ever read something about Ethereum or used it, you know that it functions on smart contracts which enable the sender and receiver to achieve a pleasant experience, with no interruptions and no issues whatsoever. Without third-party interference, FunFair Technologies had the resources and power to run the game code.

You should know that, even though it is offered across all kinds of crypto casinos, the company behind it also launched its own casino, FunFair Casino, unveiling deals with many powerful platforms. So, the company has a brand on its own, launched a year later in 2018, offering only proprietary games, developed by a team working for the company.

And, another thing you should know is a fun fact about the coin. When it was first launched in 2017, on the 22nd of June, the batch that went live is the only one that will ever exist! That’s right. No one can create new coins, contrary to any other cryptocurrency that can be mined with FUN Token, there’s only a number of tokens circulating on the blockchain, approximately 11 billion, and no new tokens can ever be created.

So, now that you know all the important things about it, let’s see how you can start using it and start depositing with it across top online casinos.

How to Start Using FUN Token

As just mentioned, you won't be able to mine this coin, but you can only get a hold of the existing ones circulating the blockchain. But, to get started with it, you'd need to have a crypto wallet account, just like with any other crypto. Ledger NanoS, MyEtherWallet and Trezor are all great options you could explore. Of course, FunFair Technologies has also launched its own wallet that you can use, FunFair Wallet. Create your wallet account with any of them, and you’ll be ready for the next step, purchasing coins.

You can do that across many exchanges, like HitBTC, Nove Exchange, EtherDelta and Binance, or directly at FunFair’s platform. When you get your coins, you should know that all transactions you make with this crypto would be trackable and publicly available on Etherscan and CoinMarketCap, for even better transparency. Of course, your name as the owner would remain anonymous, won't be published, so don't worry about that. If you're unclear about how that would work or you're interested in knowing more about this token, do not hesitate to visit the official website, as you’ll get all the information you need there.

Assuming you’ve gone through the steps, and purchased your coins using other cryptocurrencies or any fiat currency, on any exchange or FunFair’s platform, you’ll be ready to start using FUN Token across online casinos.

Depositing and Withdrawing with the Solution

You know by now that FUN Token is the native coin of FunFair Technologies, and an option for transacting on the company’s own brand, FunFair Casino. However, you must be curious to find out where else you could use the coin. Considering this is a fairly new crypto, you may not find hundreds of sites that offer it, however, you’ll still be able to explore a decent number of sites to find the one that suits you most. Check out several options and join one to start depositing with the token.

To make a deposit with this crypto, you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Head over to the casino’s Banking/Deposits/Payments page.
  2. Look for FUN Token’s logo and press it.
  3. You’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll need to log into your crypto wallet.
  4. Specify the amount you'd want to be deposited on your casino balance and enter the wallet key, the address.
  5. Confirm the transaction and watch the coins arrive on your balance immediately.

Of course, since you have a wallet account, you’ll be able to make withdrawals with FUN Token, too. They will also be sent in real-time, as soon as the casino approves them. Now, the procedure won’t be any different than the one just described for depositing, only you’d need to specify the amount you’d want to cash out and your wallet address, so the casino can send you your winnings. Considering they are held in escrow by the blockchain, withdrawals with it are faster than with any other currency, and that's the beauty of this token. That's because it was created with the online casino player in mind.

Coverage and Restrictions

If you explore its website, you will find no country restrictions when it comes to using FUN Token. This is a cryptocurrency, after all, and you know that all cryptocurrencies are theoretically offered to anyone, anywhere across the globe. However, you also probably know that not all countries allow crypto transactions. Some countries are still against the use of digital currencies and have imposed strict laws and crypto bans, like Russia, for instance. In this case, you won’t want to pay a price for using the crypto, and you better look for an alternative method to use across online casinos.

Unless your country has such restrictions, you should be able to use FUN Token. The company behind it has not imposed any limitations itself, so you can send and receive as much as you want.

One of the most important things to remember here is that, as with any other cryptocurrency, this coin’s value fluctuates. You have to pay attention to the market and see when the best time to buy or sell it is, to get value for your money.

Fees and Additional Charges

If you know a bit more about Ethereum and the way it functions, you know that a type of fee called a gas fee is charged, which is basically the fuel that makes the crypto going. The same fee could be charged with FUN Tokens, but this fee is really symbolic, basically a fragment of the entire amount that needs to be sent or received.

Some other fees, depending on the speed of exchange and the current market value, may also apply, but you'll be able to see them before you confirm your transaction, transparently.

Accepted Currencies

As mentioned earlier, you can use other cryptocurrencies, swap your existing coins with FUN Token coins, or you can purchase your coins using any fiat currency.

Therefore, you can swap Bitcoin, Litecoin, Cardano, Tether, or Bitcoin Cash, for instance.

Or you can use US dollars, UK pounds, Swedish krona or euros in order to get your coins. All currencies available at the exchange you’ve chosen can be used for purchasing these coins, so you can rest assured that your own country’s currency would be an option.

Customer Support

The best way to receive assistance when it comes to using FUN Token at an online casino is by contacting that casino’s Customer Support team. The team should be able to guide you, help you make a deposit or withdrawal using this cryptocurrency.

But, as mentioned, there’s an official website launched by FunFair Technologies that you can visit, in order to get more info on the crypto or even get help. You have the email address to use, social media profiles and the on-site contact form.


There is no reason why you should not at least try playing across online casinos using FUN Token. As implied by its name, it is a fun, easy-to-use crypto that is offered for both deposits and withdrawals across a decent number of online casinos. It can be purchased across many exchanges, used across many casinos, and it allows for real-time transactions. Small fees are charged for each transaction, but these are practically invisible, so you can rest assured that your entire online gambling experience using it would be more than pleasant.


On which social media outlets can I find FUN Token?

As a coin designed by gamers for gamers, you will find it on Discord, naturally, but also on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Telegram.

Which are some other wallets I can use to get started with it?

Any wallet would do, actually, but the ones we already mentioned are the top ones. The company behind it, FunFair Technology, also recommends users to get started with Metmask. So, you have many options.

Is its official website available in many languages?

No, unfortunately, no. The official website, considering the technical terms used on it, is available in the English language only.

Can I contact its Customer Support team via phone?

While you cannot reach the team via a phone line, the team will contact you via phone to provide you with the answer to the question you asked.

Does its value have drastic peaks and falls?

As with any other cryptocurrency, its value can go up the roof and fall badly. For instance, in 2017, its value was $0.034, but it went up to $0.186 the next year, which is also its peak value. You can check its current value on its official website or Etherescan/CoinMarketCap.


Online casinos accepting FUNToken as a payment method


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