Progressive Blackjackby Playtech

Not only are progressive players eligible for the big progressive jackpot payout, they are also eligible to win several smaller side bet prizes. All of the progressive payout combinations are based on the casino player being dealt aces, one, two three or four of them. Suited aces pay the best.
You cannot win multiple jackpots in one hand, only the highest jackpot won during the hand is pad, so if you have all four suited aces, you will win that prize, but not subsequent prizes, ie. 3 aces, 2 aces etc.
As with most Playtech blackjack variations, is available in multi-hand formats, multiplayer options and private group playing platforms.
4 Suited Aces | Progressive Jackpot | 3 Suited Aces | 5000x | 4 Aces (offsuit) | 2500x | 3 Aces (offsuit) | 250x | 2 Suited Aces | 100x | 2 Aces (offsuit) | 50x | Any Ace | 5x | |
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