Kenoby Proprietary

Keno is said to be the mother of all fixed odds casino games still in play today – an ancient Chinese lottery style game. 3Dice makes keno not only easy and fun to play but have developed a lot of user controls to keep the game interesting when you're playing hard for those big returns. Players can choose a bet size per card, then pick their numbers or let the game pick them at random. There is an auto-play function with game speed control. When the game is in progress players can even choose from among several camera angles.
Choose up to 15 numbers from 1-80. Twenty balls will be drawn. The pay table lights up as your chosen numbers match the drawn numbers. One aspect that could be improved about the game for some players is that the pay table shows multiples of bet size rather than a dollar amount. It makes sense when betting a dollar but a $2.50 bet that pays 10,000.00 really pays $25k, and a fifty cent bet really pays $5k – both results are, of course, ten thousand times bet size.
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