777 Scratch Cardby PariPlay Ltd

Players can win up to 10,000x the price of a card when they play 777 Scratch Card from Pariplay. Buy a card for as little as 10p or as much as 1.00 for the ultimate prize. The 777 Scratch Card has 3 fields with two parts each. In the leftmost part of each row are two numbers and a + sign. If the sum of the two numbers is 7, that row is a winner. To the right is the prize amount you have, or may have won for each row.
After choosing a price of 10p, 25p, 50, or 1.00 buy a New Card by pressing the button. The virtual machine will deliver a new card for you to scratch. Hover your mouse pointer over the scratch area or press, “Scratch All” to reveal your finished card and collect your winnings up to £10,000!
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