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Melior Games

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company_overview (2)Company Overview

Melior Games seems to have opened up somewhere around 2010, starting operations in Kyiv, Ukraine. Over the years, the company has gone through considerable changes. What started as simply a casino blog evolved into a game producer, toyed with ideas of white label casino company, and lately seems to have turned into video game development.

And on top of all this, the company isn’t one that would develop and publish games themselves. You are very much unlikely to find this brand in any online casino. And that is because they are geared more towards developing games for other companies.

It’s not entirely clear if Melior Games has much at all to do with casino games these days, or if their energy is directed more towards the video and mobile games sector. However

Casino Games

casino_games (1)The company seems to operate in social gaming, blockchain and cryptocurrency development, and as such tends to be partnered with fresh new gaming companies and casinos.

When it comes to actual game development the company has created slots, card games, lottery games, and even sports betting solutions for white-label clients. The company seems to be aiming at taking any idea, and turning it into a successful game. Of course, this isn’t done for free, but it has been done a good hundred times, so Melior Games does seem to know what they are doing.

Let’s have a look at some of the examples:

  • Baccarat

Baccarat is a pretty standard table game, one that has become popular in online casinos, live casinos, and of course land-based casinos. This version plays out normally but uses blockchain technology together with cryptocurrencies.

  • Mandarin Match

A bit more complex card game, combining baccarat and poker under one platform. Gameplay is still easy, with the player simply betting on the outcome of the hand.

  • Pokerry

An online poker game, basically emulating Texas Hold ’em. This in fact seems to be a product that the company is offering for their casino clients, customisable to their needs.

  • Lotto Pop

A collection of lotto games, mostly drawing inspiration from keno. The wins aren’t quite on par with Powerball, but the bets can result in considerable wins. Still, the game is clearly aimed at more casual-style players.

Conclusion on Casino Games

The truth seems to be that the company is not all that active in the area of casino gaming. They have built a handful of games, to a number of different clients around the world. Generally, the games aren’t all that impressive. On the other hand, they seem to be aimed at starter-level games, and most likely are often featured in social games.

Whilst the company seems to also offer expertise and planning for other casino games, we found no mention of their sportsbook or any mention of who their clients were. This doesn’t mean there is no experience, simply that we have no way of knowing about it.

Video Games

It seems that video games, especially mobile video games, are the main target area for the company. These include everything from colouring games to match games, maths games, adventure and strategy games, and pretty much all sorts of light gaming.

Some of the games are quite simple, and perhaps they are to the clients liking that way. Other games take things much further when it comes to the quality of the gameplay, and especially art and music.

We’re not going to examine these games much further than this, as they don’t really fall under casino gaming. Interestingly enough, quite a few of them seem to operate on different virtual currencies, and offer even wins much like casino games. These operate in somewhat of a grey area between social gaming and real-money online casinos.

In any case, it’s quite clear that the company has more than enough expertise to create games for many different platforms. It’s equally obvious that they are not nearly as active with casino games as they are with mobile video games.

A Source of Information

Another note proving that Melior Games is at the top of their game is their blog. Full of information regarding both game development and casino industry, it shows that the company does have the knowledge and know-how on pretty much anything pertaining to the industry. For a casual read, and a bit more information, it might be a worthwhile place to look for information on video game design.

However, it also reveals another interesting tidbit. Most of the casino-related articles are from the early days of the blog. Around 2015 or so. As time progresses, less and less of them pop up.


Continuing with the idea above, it seems rather obvious that the company has mostly given up on casino gaming. Their products in this area weren’t all that impressive to begin with, nor numerous. Although, the true depth of their expertise can’t really be known, since pretty much all of the games are done under other brands.

At the same time, the company is definitely in the thick of it. Cryptogaming, crash games, and many other next-generation games are currently making inroads into online casinos. They’re able to challenge slots and table games, and this is an area where the company is extremely experienced in. So if they do manage to make their way back into the casino industry, then perhaps here is the breakthrough they have been waiting for since the company was established around 2010.

All in all, for now, Melior Games is a curiosity. One that might pop up in the world of online casino gaming. Time will tell.

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