Casino Warby iSoftBet

1 - 2 - 3 - WAR!!! This is one of the easiest games to learn and play in the casino, with rules very similar to the ones you may have used when you played as a youngster. There are two bets you can place; one predicting that your card will be higher than the dealers' and the other that you will each have the same value card. That tie bet pays 10:1 but comes around less often than once every ten hands on average, but it's nice to have it placed when you have to decide whether or not to go to War with the dealer!
Place a bet and if your card is greater than the dealer's (Aces are high) then you win even money, land a lower card than the dealer and he takes your bet. When you tie you'll have the option to surrender your hand giving up half your bet, or go to War against the dealer. Go to War and the dealer will burn three cards and give you and himself one face up. Winner takes the chips.
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