Rival Gaming
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Rival Gaming Software, often referred to as Rival Powered, is the most innovative casino platform available today, offering cutting edge technology blended with superior customer service and partner support.
The Casino Suite is user friendly, attractively designed, and available to users of both Windows and Mac users. With Rival InTouch, operators are able to customize casino reports that are sent via email to multiple PDAs, allowing instant responses to players and first-class customer service. Real-time access to reports anytime, from anywhere!
Rival Gaming utilizes the most advanced security system currently available. Built into the software is the RivalProtect security system, with RNG certification by CertainKey. IdentiPrint is a device fingerprinting program that tracks every device that connects to each casino. It should also be noted that the system runs within Rival servers and shares no personal information with outside parties.
Rival has simplified affiliate management. Multiple forms of customer tracking makes for flawless record keeping. There are different methods of affiliate compensation built into the software, Rivals reporting allows you to distinguish between affiliates and assign commissions and promotions with ease.
One of the most intriguing features of Rival Powered are the i-Slots, truly more interactive slots games. Players are not only betting, playing and winning, but they are taking part in a story that unfolds as they play. As players advance and complete levels, they are offered more of the story, told in animated clips. New features and interactive games are available as the player progresses. Because the gaming software is easily updated, i-Slots can offer different experiences for every player, every time.
Rival's highly trained customer support team is dedicated to providing top-notch assistance and is available by phone, email, or live chat. With an impressive list of games and casinos, Rival Gaming Software (Rival Powered) is sure to keep many tastes entertained.
Rival Gaming Games
Rival Gaming powered online casinos

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